Biyernes, Oktubre 5, 2012

How to Help Kids from Becoming Overweight

 Obesity is one of the most prevailing problems in children today. Commonly characterized by excessive weight gain as a result of over accumulation of body fats, this medical condition is considered as the deadliest risk factor of serious diseases on kids such as heart ailments, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems, as well as severe depression.

According to Plano pediatrician Dr. Carolyn Ashworth, the most painful effect of obesity on children or teens is their loss of self-esteem. Due to peer pressure and physical insecurities, lots of overweight children and teenagers are now suffering from serious depression. So if you don’t want the same thing to happen to your children, it is very important for you not to overindulge them with food.

How Can You Help Your Child from Stopping Excessive Weight Gain

Helping your child understand the importance of controlling their weight is probably the best way to stop obesity. There are several ways you can do to get this done. In accordance to the recommendations of Plano pediatrics - Dr. Carolyn Ashworth, here are the different steps to take when helping your child to control weight gain:

1. Give them healthier foods with less calories.

Let us take into consideration your kids are used to drinking soda and eating junk foods on a daily basis. While these foods are high in calories, it is advisable to replace it with healthier foods that are rich in fiber to avoid weight gain on children. These foods are also easier to digest, making your child’s metabolism works faster.

2. Encourage your child to engage more in sports.

You must take into account that lack of physical activity is one of the risk factors that promote weight gain on children. Hence, you must encourage your child to engage more in sports rather than in watching TV and playing computer games. Take note that the more active they become, the less chance they will become obese.

3. Train them to eat right amount of food at the right time.

If you think that skipping meals can help them lose weight, then you better think again. It is because skipping meals will only make them crave for food even more. In this case, you need to make sure that they eat the right amount of food at the right time. In this website, you can get more information about children’s eating disorder and learn more about children health in Plano with Dr. Carolyn Ashworth.

4. Get some professional advice.

It is not simple to motivate your kids to lose weight. To make things much easier for you, the best thing you can do is to consult a pediatrician or a registered dietician. These professionals will help you monitor your kids’ weight and provide a better diet plan for your family.

How to Help Kids Lose Weight

 Over the years, more and more children are becoming obese. This medical condition is characterized by excessive weight gain as a result of the over accumulation of fats in the body. Currently, this is considered as the deadliest risk factor of serious ailments in children, such as heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, fatty liver, bone and joint problems, as well as severe depression.

In accordance to what Plano pediatrician Dr. Carolyn Ashworth has stated, the most painful effect of obesity on children or teenagers is the loss of their self-confidence. In fact, most of the overweight children nowadays are suffering from severe depression due to their physical insecurities and peer pressure. So if you don’t want the same thing to happen to your children, it is very important for you not to overindulge them with food.

How Can You Stop Your Child from Gaining Too Much Weight

The best way to stop obesity on children is by teaching them how to control their weight gain. There are several ways you can do to get this done. Listed below are the different steps to take when teaching your child how to control their weight gain, in accordance to Plano pediatrics - Dr. Carolyn Ashworth:

1. Give them healthier foods with less calories.

Let us consider your child is used to eating burger and hotdogs, as well as drinking soda on a regular basis. Since these foods contain higher calories, it is highly recommended to replace them with more nutritious foods such as organic fruits and vegetables. These are not only healthy, but also easier to digest, making their metabolism works better.

2. Encourage your kids to become physically active.

Always remember that sedentary lifestyle is one of the risk factors of obesity. To avoid such problem, you must train your kids to become more active in sports rather than in PC or console gaming. By becoming more active, they can now easily avoid gaining weight excessively.

3. Never tell them to skip meals.

If you think that the best way to make your child lose weight is by reducing the number of their meals then you better think again. It is because skipping meals will only make them crave for food even more, which can lead to binge eating. Therefore, you have to make sure that they eat their meals at the right time. In this website, you can get more information about children’s eating disorder and learn more about children health in Plano with Dr. Carolyn Ashworth.

4. Get an expert advice.

Encouraging your kids to lose weight is not an easy task. On the contrary, getting some help from pediatricians and registered dieticians will certainly make things much easier for you. These professionals will help you monitor your kids’ weight and provide a better diet plan for your family.

How to Stop Obesity Upon Kids – A Step-by-Step Guide

Obesity is one of the most increasing problems in children today. This medical condition is commonly characterized by excessive weight gain due to over accumulation of body fats in children, making them more prone to serious ailments, such as fatty liver, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, acid reflux, bone and joint problems, as well as severe depression, which can shorten their life to ultimately 20-30 years.

Loss of self-esteem is probably the most painful effect of obesity on children and teenagers as stated by Plano pediatrician Dr. Carolyn Ashworth. In fact, most of the overweight children nowadays are suffering from severe depression due to their physical insecurities and peer pressure. So if you don’t want the same thing to happen to your children, it is very important for you not to overindulge them with food.

How to Stop Excessive Weight Gain on Children

Helping your child understand the importance of controlling their weight is probably the best way to stop obesity. This can be achieved in different ways. The following are the different steps to take when helping your child to stop gaining weight excessively, as per suggestions of Plano pediatrics - Dr. Carolyn Ashworth:

1. Give them healthier foods with less calories.

Let us take for example your child loves eating junk foods every day. Keep in mind that these foods have higher calories that are not harmful to kids’ health. Thus, you must replace these foods with more nutritious foods that are high in vitamins and minerals. Apart from being healthy, these foods can stimulate proper metabolism on children.

2. Encourage your kids to become physically active.

Keep in mind that lack of physical activity is one of the risk factors of obesity. Therefore, you must tell your child to engage more in sports rather than sitting in front of the TV, PC, Xbox or PS3 for hours. By becoming more active, they can now easily avoid gaining weight excessively.

3. Train them to eat right amount of food at the right time.

If you think that allowing your children to skip meals in a day is one of the best ways to help them lose weight, then you better think again. The problem with skipping meals is that they let your kids crave for food even more. Thus, you have to make sure that they eat the correct amount of food at the right time. From this online site, you will be able to learn more about children health in Plano with Dr. Carolyn Ashworth.

4. Ask for professional help.

Encouraging your kids to lose weight is not an easy task. On the contrary, getting some help from pediatricians and registered dieticians will certainly make things much easier for you. They will not only help you monitor your child’s weight, but will also provide a healthier diet for your family.